“Is the Texas grid fixed?” It’s a question I’ve gotten a lot from friends and family over the past few months. Texans strongly want to avoid a repeat of the February blackouts that cost billions, led to over a hundred deaths and gave the state a political black eye. But electricity policy can be a complicated subject, and when different elected officials—even within the same party—send conflicting messages about where we stand, it’s understandable that people would be nervous.
A major issue of controversy is whether Texas should favor some types of energy over others in its electricity market. In a July press conference, PUC chairman, Peter Lake, said, “We’re not in the business of picking winners and losers.” That’s certainly been the case historically. One of the strengths of the Texas market is that generators themselves decide what type of power plants to build, and then compete to deliver electricity at the lowest cost. However, since the February blackouts, there has been a growing drumbeat that this system has led to too much renewable energy on the system, and that measures need to be taken to promote more “dispatchable” generation.
This would be a mistake. Contrary to what some have claimed, renewable energy failures were not a significant cause of the February blackouts. All generation types experienced outages due to the extreme cold and icy weather, and in the case of natural gas these outages were exacerbated by the inability of plants to get fuel. Time spent attacking the wind rather than securing natural gas infrastructure is worse than simply wasted.
Keeping the government out of picking winners and losers lets the free market prevail. We don’t need to play the blame game or punish certain forms of energy like solar and wind. As state regulators work through this, they need to ensure reliability, affordability, and stability for Texas families and businesses. The answer is not to impose penalties on specific energy sources. We need them all to prevent another blackout or even a catastrophic grid failure.
Josiah Neeley is a resident senior energy fellow and the Texas director of the R Street Institute.